Saturday, April 19, 2008

Seco 24 Larsen Transfer 0

Total difference from last night's game. It looked like all the cylinders were firing and the team never let up until it was over. Starting with a solid pitching performance by Jacob and a play where the ball was relayed from right field to Eric who was at short covering second a quick throw to third to get the advancing runner seem to set the tone for the rest of the game. No more runners made it to scoring position and I believe everyone who went to the plate hit the ball hard some where. Taylor closed out the game in fine fashion preserving the shutout. Excellent outing for team Seco and they played to there capabilities. One other thing Overturf lost to Sullivan Rowell today putting us back in a tie for first place. Great team effort today by Team Seco. For those who were not there the Coach's did a very good job not running up the score by not pushing the runners to advance unless necessary after they could see the game was out of reach.

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