Sunday, June 8, 2008

The End Has Come

Team Seco was knocked out of the intercity tournament on Friday evening by Kania Clinic. Great run these kids had this year with combined total of 30 wins and 5 losses which takes into account the intercity tournament and the Pendelton Baseball Classic. They concluded the regular season 23-2 winning there last game of the  season against Overturf by a margin of 5-4 sealing the KNYB Majors Division Championship for the Team. They were also the Hit-A-Thon top seller in the Majors Division. Awesome group of kids and parents cannot say enough about the help the parents were with the fields and other things from the Hit-A-Thon to practices to the hats and jackets other assorted things that went on during the season. The Coaching staff was and is excellent helping to get this team ready before the season and keeping them on track during the season. Great job by the staff Team Mom for all the email and hard work behind the scenes to keep it all going and always keeping us informed on what was coming way before it was happening. I have been assembling a dvd slideshow of the season and should have it ready this coming week for those who don't see I will contact you on how to get it to you. Last the season ending party how good was that the bats for the kids were awesome and how hard can Anne Tanninen work? Big thanks to Anne and the other ladies for a well planned party with awesome food and treats. Thanks to a great baseball season this will be the last entry here the blog will stay up and the photos also will stay accessible for now if that changes I will email you before that changes. I will be updating the photos this week with last of them from the tournament and party. You can keep up with 12 all stars at

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