Monday, March 10, 2008

Upcoming Games

Three games this week starting with
Apollo vs Seco Tuesday 3/11/08 7:15 pm we are Home so we will be prepping field pregame the more help on prepping the field the better. The field will get done faster and those who are on the sheet for that day will appreciate the help. Do not expect the visiting team to prep the field they won't do it though sometimes parents from the other team will help knowing that the faster the field is prepped the sooner the second game can start. Most parents understand we are all in the same league and the camaraderie is part of what we are there for.
Seco vs Sullivan Rowell Thursday 3/13/09 7:15 pm we are visitors you can help prep the field but the home team is responsible for the bulk of it. It does not hurt to help they may just help you next time around.
Seco vs Gesa Friday 3/14/08 5:00 pm we are visitors
One more thing on field prep we are supposed to help after the games as visitors take care of the field which means if we are the late game we close up the place and prep the field for the following days game no chalk just rake and put tools away. Between the 5 and 7 game we would simply help the next team get the field ready for the 7:00 game
I like the 7:15 games even though they are done late it gives you more time to get to the field with your player a hour ahead cannot stress enough how important it is to have your player at the field one hour early it is not for the coach's but really for the team to get the day out of there heads and be able to get focused on the game at hand. It does give the coach's time to get the team warmed up properly to avoid injury and have a better playing experience while on the field.
Concessions there was a email that went out for help in the concession stand Monday evening hopefully we have enough volunteers if you have not replied please do so the more helpers the shorter the time people have to work there shift.
The team does there work on the field the parents do their part off the field.

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